
6 posts

Being on call, much progress can be made

It should come as no surprise to find that when there is severe weather, working for a certain weather-related tech company with a large…

Making Progress

Awake this morning at approximately 3:30 with some sort of drama happening in the neighborhood - right next door, in fact. Multiple police…

GatsbyJS: Fun With Collections

Things are starting to shape up around here. Had an interesting time with the first non-standard thing I wanted to try. I had already set…

Hello Gatsby

In my time as a web developer around the Drupal community I have spent the last couple of years around the idea of decoupled CMS systems…

Decoupled UI's at Drupalcon Nashville

Here's the presentation that Matt Davis(@mrjmd) and I gave last year at Drupalcon Nashville about decoupled Drupal user interfaces, and the…

Drupalcon Nashville!

As some of you may know I am a web developer by trade, and make my living working in and around the open source CMS Drupal. While I will…