Blog Posts
Random Digital Scribblings
8 posts
Time Is Passing
It's been all change around here for the last couple of months, which has caused me to slip quite behind in updating the blog. What's been…
Being on call, much progress can be made
It should come as no surprise to find that when there is severe weather, working for a certain weather-related tech company with a large…
Jezza's Bowl of Red for Instant Pot
Here is the basis for my chili recipe, when made with beef. I frequently sub out the beef for non-beef items, which you'll see noted below…
Making Progress
Awake this morning at approximately 3:30 with some sort of drama happening in the neighborhood - right next door, in fact. Multiple police…
GatsbyJS: Fun With Collections
Things are starting to shape up around here. Had an interesting time with the first non-standard thing I wanted to try. I had already set…
Hello Gatsby
In my time as a web developer around the Drupal community I have spent the last couple of years around the idea of decoupled CMS systems…
Decoupled UI's at Drupalcon Nashville
Here's the presentation that Matt Davis(@mrjmd) and I gave last year at Drupalcon Nashville about decoupled Drupal user interfaces, and the…
Drupalcon Nashville!
As some of you may know I am a web developer by trade, and make my living working in and around the open source CMS Drupal. While I will…