Time Is Passing

Saturday, November 16th 2019, 12:00:00 am

It's been all change around here for the last couple of months, which has caused me to slip quite behind in updating the blog. What's been happening, you ask? Well, let's dive in...

Our story essentially starts in late September, just before my birthday. A long conversation that I had been having with a good friend and colleague finally came to a head and I received an offer for a new employment opportunity. This happenend on a Friday, which meant that I started the following Monday (my birthday, naturally) by informing IBM/The Weather Company (and my boss, who is also a friend) that I was going to be leaving their employ and moving on.

Making career moves is never really easy, is it? It was definitely tough saying goodbye to my TWC family, as our team was small but very tightly-knit. I know they will all be fine, but when you are close with your co-workers, these moves are just made more difficult.

So, I gave them 3 weeks of transition time, which was definitely full for the first week and a half, then tapered into what was most certainly an acute case of Short Timers Syndrome. That's another awkward position - when you're ready to take the next step and start the new thing, all of the transition is largely complete, and you are trying to remain busy somehow, someway.

In the middle of all of this, A. was preparing to spend two weeks in California, helping her aunt, uncle and grandmother as her aunt recovered from surgery. This meant that we had an interesting October - during my final week at TWC, she was in California and the kid was out of school on fall break. Then, the following week I was completely free, but the kid was back in school, so we had a bachelor week. Then, I went to Oakland to begin my new position as a Backend Team Lead at Third And Grove. So, there was a period of a few days where the kid was with my mother (bless her for getting him to school and to hockey, thanks Mom!) while both of his parents were in two different parts of California.

Since then, things have been pretty steady. New position is definitely keeping things busy but a lot of fun. I played my first DJ sets (which you can listen to here and here) in years and years just before Halloween, while also playing a last-minute set with some of my Exotic Ones pals in the EMF's tribute project, all on the same night! This Halloween's theme? The soundtrack to Return of the Living Dead, of course!

Now that things are somewhat settling down, I need to refocus. Besides work, I have a new Logickal release I am preparing, plus working to get a website for Logickal stood up, as well as a site for A.'s artistic endeavors.

I'm sure there is a lot more that I'm leaving out/forgetting but that can wait for the next post.
